In the traditional financial system, financial institutions are responsible for holding and managing your funds. This requires you to trust them not to mismanage your money and to apply for their services with no guarantee of approval.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi), on the other hand, is an alternative financial system built on blockchain technology. With the Orbitium mobile app and an internet connection, anyone can access and use DeFi products and services.

Orbitium DeFi eliminates centralized authorities, middlemen, KYC requirements, and credit checks. The markets are open 24/7 and accessible to anyone around the world.

Orbitium is an open finance ecosystem designed for growth, and rewards users for practicing good financial habits such as saving, swapping, borrowing, and building a crypto portfolio.

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USDX Stablecoins

Swap & Exchange

Staking & Delegation

Lending & Yield Farming

Loans & Borrowing

Payments & Transfers